Maintaining Your Health and Fitness Through Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic Care Pretoria. It’s common knowledge that maintaining a physically active lifestyle will help you age well. A study in the European Heart Journal found that even moderate exercise, done just three times a week for 15 to 20 minutes, reduced mortality risk by 16 to 40 percent. Thankfully, chiropractic care can assist you in maintaining flexible muscles and joints for your preferred physical activity.

Afraid of Taking a Fall? Chiropractic Care Aids in Maintaining Balance.

Maintaining your balance whether running, playing pickleball, or taking a dancing class is crucial. A simple stroll around the block might turn into a dangerous situation if you trip on a rock.
Age-related muscular weakness and bone density loss can impair stability. Restrictions (also referred to as “misalignments”) of the joints that make up your spine, can also lead to instability and difficulty keeping your balance. A restriction can cause muscle, ligament, and tendon stress, which can reduce joint motion. A minor stumble or misstep could result in serious injury if you have any of these conditions.

Joint restrictions affect a lot of people who don’t think they do. In fact, slouching is a leading contributor of joint restrictions. While walking, driving, or working quickly, it’s easy to neglect proper posture. Poor posture can gradually cause your spine to become misaligned. Symptoms of joint restriction include, but are not limited to, headaches, muscle and joint pain, and restricted range of motion.

The chiropractic therapy of choice for joint restriction, spinal manipulation, also has the potential to enhance your balance and joint stability. Spinal manipulation uses rapid thrusts from the hands or an activator to restore joint mobility in the spine. By restoring your body’s natural balance, chiropractic care can reduce discomfort, relax tight muscles and tissues, and release strain on your nervous system.

Worried About Exercising and Getting Hurt? Reduce Your Dangers With Chiropractic Care

Although physical activity is beneficial at any age, it becomes more difficult as you become older. Sprains, knee injuries, and Achilles tendon tears are all made more likely by the age-related stiffening of tendons, ligaments, and tissues.

You increase your risk of a workout-related injury if your muscles, tendons, and ligaments are tight. Chiropractors use techniques like spinal manipulation, massage, soft tissue mobilization, flexion-distraction, and more to help patients maintain tissue flexibility and reduce the likelihood of injury.

There are health benefits to increasing your range of motion through chiropractic care.

Tight tissues and joint restrictions limit the range of motion in your joints. As a result, you may find it more challenging to complete yoga postures or completely stretch your arms while swimming. This could affect your tennis or golf swing. Going to the chiropractor on a regular basis will help you avoid performance drops and injuries caused by restricted range of motion.

Pain Relief With Chiropractic Care Before and After Working Out

The last thing you want to do while you’re hurting is work out. As you age, you are more prone to experience pain and stiffness when exercising.
Pain relief from chiropractic adjustments makes working out more bearable. A trip to the chiropractor after strenuous physical activity like a marathon, a round of golf, or a hectic weekend might prevent joint restrictions from developing into chronic muscle and joint discomfort.

Treatment with a chiropractor can help you feel better overall by releasing feel-good chemicals like endorphins and serotonin, in addition to restoring joint mobility in your spine and relaxing your muscles. These hormones not only help you feel more at ease and calm, but they also reduce pain.

Finally, pain and stiffness are common issues that can arise as we age, particularly after engaging in physical activity. Chiropractic treatments can help alleviate joint, muscle, and tissue pain, making exercise more enjoyable. They can also trigger the release of endorphins and serotonin, which naturally decrease pain and promote relaxation and a sense of well-being.
In conclusion, adding chiropractic care to your exercise routine can have numerous benefits as you age. From improving balance and flexibility to reducing the risk of injury and easing pain, chiropractic care can help you maintain an active and healthy lifestyle.

Do you feel ready to incorporate chiropractic care into your current fitness regimen? Please call or email us to set up a consultation.

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